Comprehensive Core Course (CCC) Zif
Anzeige vom: 06.06.2024

Comprehensive Core Course (CCC)

  • Berlin


  • Arbeitszeit
  • Typ

Gewünschte Fähigkeiten & Kenntnisse



Ihre Aufgaben

The Comprehensive Core Course (CCC) (formerly CGTPO) prepares participants to work in UN, OSCE, and EU peace operations and forms part of the selection process for applicants to the ZIF Expert Pool. The course is based on the mission statement ZIF Civilian Expert Concept and builds the professional, personal, social, and methodological competencies required for successful work in a peace operation. Among other things, the focus is on the cooperation between the civilian, police and military components of a mission, which we also live through the mixed team of trainers. In addition, national mission members from EU, OSCE and UN peacekeeping missions as well as members of the police and the Bundeswehr participate in the course.

What makes this course special are the interactive, practical exercises based on a scenario that reflects mission reality. The course offers space for critical reflection on work in peace operations and promotes exchange between participants in the sense of peer learning.

This course is recognized for educational leave in the state of Berlin!

Learning Objectives

  • Understand mandates, functions and the challenges of peace operations;

  • to understand the different roles and perspectives of military, police and civilian personnel in peace operations;

  • Increase awareness of the professional, personal, social, and methodological competencies required to work in a peace operation.

Target Audience

The course is aimed at German and international civilian experts who want to develop a better understanding of how international peace operations work, including their own role in this field of work.

This ZIF course is also open to members of the police and the Bundeswehr.

Please note: German nationals who attend the course as external applicants and do not wish to undergo the selection process for the ZIF Expert Pool will not be members of the pool upon completion of the course.

Course Content

  • Structure, development, mandates of UN, OSCE and EU missions;

  • conflict-sensitive conflict analysis;

  • conflict-sensitive project management;

  • Gender and the Women, Peace & Security Agenda;

  • Working in an Intercultural Context;

  • Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA);

  • Code of Conduct and Ethics;

  • Negotiation and Mediation Support;

  • Strategic communication and dealing with (social) media;

  • Leadership skills in cross-cultural teams;

  • Stress management and peer groups;

  • Orientation in the field (radio communication and map reading);

  • Civil-Police-Military Cooperation - comprehensive approach

Ihr Profil

    • a motivation letter in English explaining your motivation for applying for the training


Please send both documents to:, E-Mail:


Fachliche Voraussetzung

  • Erwachsenenbildung, Konfliktlösung, Lehrmethode, Personalwesen, Projektmanagement, Radio, Strategische Kommunikation, Verhandlung

Persönliche Fähigkeiten

  • Führungskompetenz, Stressbewältigung


  • Mit Berufserfahrung



    Bildung / Forschung




    Ludwigkirchplatz 3 4
    10719 Berlin