PhD student Humboldt University Of Berlin
Anzeige vom: 06.06.2024

PhD student

  • Berlin
Humboldt University Of Berlin


  • Arbeitszeit
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Gewünschte Fähigkeiten & Kenntnisse

Machine Learning
Big Data Analytics
Mobile App
Data Analysis


Ihre Aufgaben

Prof. Dr. Simone Reber - Professor at the Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT) and Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology - is looking to recruit one outstanding PhD student to work within the research project "Berlin Initiative for Applied Foundation Model Research" - (Appl-FM) for machine learning in robotics, biology, and medicine starting in April 2024 in Berlin.

The position is funded for five years (65% public tariff level [TV-L] E 13).

Project Description: You will research in a team of twenty scientists with the aim of completing a doctorate. The multidisciplinary team works together on application-oriented basic research on Foundation Models (FM) - i.e. computer models that are specifically trained for the research areas of robotics, quantitative biology, and predictive medicine using artificial intelligence and machine learning.

The vision of the project is threefold:

  • Robots are to learn how to move from demonstrations

  • Cellular processes are to be automatically monitored and categorized

  • AI systems are to support medical staff in diagnostics

    You will work on the Quantitative Biology & Smart Microscopy (R2) part of the project and will always be involved in our overall "Appl-FM" project. You will be directly supervised by the professors Dr. Simone Reber (BHT), Dr. Elisabeth Grohmann (BHT), and Dr. Erik Rodner (HTW). You can find more information on the websites and

    The research is carried out in close cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology and the Humboldt University of Berlin as academic partners. Simone Reber is also a faculty member of International Max Planck Research School for Infectious Diseases and Immunology (IMPRS-IDI), PhD students in her lab will have the opportunity to join this prestigious graduate program.


  • Independent research in the field of "molecular mechanisms of cellular scaling"

  • Cell culture, biochemistry, advanced light microscopy, image and data analysis

  • Documentation, publication, and presentation of research results

Ihr Profil

  • Completed scientific university degree (master or diploma) in the field of chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, or a related discipline or equivalent qualification (submission of degree at the latest at the time of signing the employment contract)

  • Very good knowledge of biochemistry and light microscopy

  • Very good command of written and spoken English

  • Ability to work independently and scientifically

  • Strong organizational skills and sense of responsibility

  • Experience in project management is desirable

  • Enthusiasm, reliability, and flexibility

  • Friendly and team-oriented appearance

Wir bieten Ihnen

  • The opportunity to work in an experienced scientific team

  • A workplace in the city center that is easily accessible by public transport

  • External and internal training opportunities

  • Company health management (including various sports courses)

  • Family-friendly working hours through flexitime and mobile working

  • 30 vacation days

  • An open-minded and experienced team is looking forward to your reinforcement


Fachliche Voraussetzung

  • Biochemie, Biophysik, Data Analysis, Gesundheitsverwaltung, Mikroskopie, Molekularbiologie, Personenverkehr, Projektmanagement, Präsentationen, Publizieren, Unabhängige Studien, Zellkulturen

Persönliche Fähigkeiten

  • Anpassungsfähigkeit, Eigenmotivation, Freundlichkeit, Koordinierend, Passioniert, Positive Einstellung, Teamarbeit, Verantwortungsbereitschaft, Zuverlässigkeit


  • Bachelor


  • Englisch



    Industrie / Technik


    Humboldt University Of Berlin


    Humboldt University Of Berlin
    Chariteplatz 1
    10117 Berlin

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