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How your role will look like: Drive the development and evolution of the AI platform, enabling other teams to effectively leverage machine learning capabilities in their projects.
Take an active role in implementing and fine-tuning machine learning solutions, collaborating closely with Data Scientists and Engineers to move models from concept to production
Work closely with the Data Scientists, Machine Learning and MLOps Engineers, Data Engineers and Platform teams to ensure that ML models are properly monitored, scaled, and aligned with business KPIs.
Ensure that machine learning solutions are aligned with business goals, effectively communicating with stakeholders to grasp and translate business requirements.
Provide guidance and mentorship to junior team members, fostering a culture of continuous learning.
What you need to succeed: Drive the development and evolution of the AI platform, enabling other teams to effectively leverage machine learning capabilities in their projects.
Take an active role in implementing and fine-tuning machine learning solutions, collaborating closely with Data Scientists and Engineers to move models from concept to production
Work closely with the Data Scientists, Machine Learning and MLOps Engineers, Data Engineers and Platform teams to ensure that ML models are properly monitored, scaled, and aligned with business KPIs.
Ensure that machine learning solutions are aligned with business goals, effectively communicating with stakeholders to grasp and translate business requirements.
Provide guidance and mentorship to junior team members, fostering a culture of continuous learning.
We aim to further enhance the diversity of our company and support the professional development of people with disabilities. We have a disability representative who will assist you throughout the application process. If you require this support, please let us know in advance.
Für diese Stelle bewerben
Schick uns gerne Deine Unterlagen und sag uns, warum Du zu uns gehörst.
Alice Wrede Head of Talent Acquisition Gillian Moosmann Talent Acquisition Manager Fulya Sugecmez Senior Talent Acquisition Manager Akash Praharaj Senior Talent Acquisition Manager Cassy Elsner Senior Talent Acquisition Manager E-Mail senden Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Wir als Scout24 schätzen und fördern die Vielfalt, die unsere Mitarbeitenden in das Unternehmen einbringen. Denn wir sind davon überzeugt, dass genau diese Vielfalt die Basis unseres Erfolgs ist. Wir können als Team nur dann unser Bestes geben, wenn du dich als Person sicher, geschätzt und respektiert fühlst. Wir heißen dich willkommen, so wie du bist. Bring dein wahres Ich mit in unser Team, das ein sicherer Raum für jede Person ist, mit allen geschlechtlichen und sexuellen Identitäten, Hautfarben, ethnischen Herkünften, Staatsbürgerschaften, Abstammungen, Religionen und Weltanschauungen, Behinderungen, Altern oder Familienständen. Bei Anfragen zur Chancengleichheit in unseren Rekrutierungsprozessen wende dich bitte an [email protected]