Ihre Aufgaben
Comprising 17 departments in the natural and engineering sciences as well as the Diversity welcome humanities and social sciences, TU Dortmund University is a dynamic university with A central goal of TU Dortmund University is to promote diversity and a strong profile in research, teaching, promotion of young scientists and transfer. equal opportunities. We strive to significantly increase the percentage of women in research and teaching and therefore welcome applications from female academics. We give preference to severely The Department of Humanities and Theology includes the Institutes of Protestant disabled applicants if their qualifications meet the requirements. We Theology and Catholic Theology as well as a joint Institute of Philosophy and Political support the compatibility of family and career and promote gender Science. The Institute of Protestant Theology offers teacher training programs for equality in academia and research.
protestant religious education in all types of schools. The Department has an Your application interdisciplinary focus on teaching and research in the field of "Religion and Politics" lf you are interested in the position, please submit your application by with special emphasis on philosophical references. 12.03.2025 via our application portal.
Prrooffiille of thhe prrooffeessssoorrsshhiip Details on the application process and the preparation of application You represent the field of systematic theology with a focus on dogmatics in research documents can be found here: and further develop this with (inter-)national visibility. In doing so, you participate in berufung.tu-dortmund.de/en/application
Ihr Profil
You will have obtained a doctorate with above-average success and already demonstrate initial experience in the dissemination of your research in the field of the professorship through publications in internationally recognized peer-reviewed venues. Experience in obtaining competitively awarded external funding and participation in research projects is desirable. Additionally, you will have the potential for teaching excellence. Social and leadership skills and the willingness to participate in academic self-administration will complete your profile. Moreover, the recruitment requirements in Section 36 and 37 HG NRW apply.
Wir bieten Ihnen
Further information about the Department of Humanities and The appointment is initially for a period of three years as a temporary civil servant. In Theology can be found at htt..ttuu--ddoorrttmmuunndd..dde
the course of the third year, this status will be reviewed and may be extended for a further three years depending on performance. At the end of this six-year assistant professorship at the latest, the tenure track will lead to continued employment as a Apppplly noow >> tenured W3 professor, provided that the necessary aptitude, competence and academic performance have been demonstrated and that the legal requirements pertaining to Section 38 of the North Rhine-Westphalia Higher Education Act (Gesetz über die Hochschulen des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, HG NRW) are met. The teaching load of the assistant professorship is four semester hours per week in each of the first three years. In the case of a positive review, it will increase to five semester hours per week in each of the last three years.