Industrial mechanic (m/f/d) Jumo Gmbh & Co. Kg
Anzeige vom: 06.06.2024

Industrial mechanic (m/f/d)

  • Fulda
Jumo Gmbh & Co. Kg


  • Arbeitszeit
  • Typ

Gewünschte Fähigkeiten & Kenntnisse



Ihre Aufgaben

Training Center Basics of metal technology such as scribing, punching, filing, drilling, turning and milling Thermostats Measuring systems Work independently on various production machines, flame braze brass sleeves, perform leak test of measurement systems. PDL mechanics Maintain and repair machines, design and build jigs and workstations, drill, mill and turn parts for construction units. Dial thermometer mounting Mounting of dial thermometers in various designs, manufacturing of mounting devices by drilling, turning and milling, flame soldering of microswitches

Ihr Profil

You like to work with metal and want to prove your manual skills? Are you fascinated by the assembly of pneumatic and electropneumatic controls as well as the production and assembly of machine parts? Do you want to work precisely and according to standards and do you enjoy working in a team? Then the training as an industrial mechanic (m/f/d) should be great fun for you. 3½ years standard training period,

  • Good secondary school diploma or (technical) high school diploma

  • good performance in mathematics and physics

  • technical interest, manual skills

  • good spatial imagination

  • Ability to work in a team, commitment and reliability

Wir bieten Ihnen

"I learned the basic skills such as drilling and milling directly in the first three months at the training centre."

Finn 1st year of training

"I like the fact that JUMO provides the right work clothes for the industrial trainees free of charge."


Leon 3rd year of training, Frank Blasinger +49 661 6003-2202 +49 661 6003-2202, JUMO GmbH & Co. KG Moritz-Juchheim-Straße 1 36039 Fulda

Phone: +49 661 6003-0 Fax: +49 661 6003-500 Email:

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Fachliche Voraussetzung

  • Arbeitsstatione, Archivierung, Bauwesen, Bohrung, Drehmaschinen, Elektrotechnik, Mathematik, Messsysteme, Physik, Technisches Geschick, Verlötung

Persönliche Fähigkeiten

  • Eigenmotivation, Kreativität, Teamarbeit, Zuverlässigkeit


  • Bachelor


  • Mit Berufserfahrung



    Industrie / Technik


    Jumo Gmbh & Co. Kg


    Jumo Gmbh & Co. Kg
    Moritz Juchheim str 1
    36039 Fulda