volunteering Medical Doctor Büro Berlin
Anzeige vom: 06.06.2024

volunteering Medical Doctor

  • Hamburg
Büro Berlin


  • Arbeitszeit
  • Typ
  • Qualifikationslevel

Gewünschte Fähigkeiten & Kenntnisse



Ihre Aufgaben

As a Medical Doctor for SAR, you will play a crucial role in providing medical assistance and support to survivors in distress during search and rescue operations.,

  • Emergency Medical Response: provide immediate medical assistance to individuals in distress, including assessment, treatment, and stabilization of injuries and illnesses after rescue operations.

  • Medical Triage: conduct rapid medical triage to priorize care and allocate resources effectively.

  • Medical Evacuation: identify survivors in need of MedEvac and, in close collaboration with the Head of Mission / SAR Team Leader, coordinate and facilitate the evacuation, by boat or helicopters.

  • Medical Consultation: provide medical care, monitor the condition and administer adequate treatment to survivors on the vessel.

  • Documentation and Reporting: maintain accurate medical records, including patient assessments, treatments provided, and medications administered.

  • Pharmacy and medical stock: the medical team is responsible for the management of pharmacy, including inventory update, consumption recording and monitoring, kits preparation, Biomed device checking, access to narcotics and controlled drugs (locked storage); at the end of the mission the medical team hands over an updated inventory to log & supply to replenish the medical stock.

  • Liaising: the MD is responsible for the communication with health authorities on shore, in coordination with the Head of Mission.

  • Upon disembarkation the MD writes a medical report for health authorities and internal record.,

  • A SAR mission usually lasts approximately 4 to 6 weeks including embarkation, training, SAR operations end of mission duties.

  • This job description outlines the general responsibilities and qualifications for the position of Medical Doctor for Search and Rescue Mission.

  • Specific duties and requirements may vary based on the nature of each SAR mission and organizational protocols.

Ihr Profil

This position requires a strong commitment to humanitarian aid, as well as strong medical skills and the ability to work effectively in challenging and dynamic situations.,

  • Medical degree from an accredited institution

  • Valid medical license

  • Relevant experience; previous experience in emergency medicine, trauma care preferred

  • Excellent English language skills


  • Excellent interpersonal skills, with the ability to work effectvely in a team of around 20 people

  • Physical fitness and the ability to endure demanding conditions

  • High flexibility and adaptability

  • Willingness to take part in the daily life of the ship

  • Commitment to humanitarian principles and the mission of search and rescue operations


  • Previous experience in humanitarian and/or SAR missions is a strong asset

  • Advanced Life Support (ALS) and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) certification

  • Knowledge of French language is a plus


selezione@medicidelmondo.it, Kontakt:

  • Zum Kontaktformular Medizinische Hilfe:

  • Kontakt Teams in Berlin, Hamburg, München und Stuttgart Ärzte der Welt

    Geschäftsstelle München: Landsberger Str. 428, 81241 München Tel +49 (0)89 45 23 081 - 0 E-Mail: info@aerztederwelt.org

    Büro Berlin: Berlin Global Village, Am Sudhaus 2 12053 Berlin Tel +49 (0)30 26 55 77 91

Unterstützen Sie unsere Arbeit


IBAN: DE06 1203 0000 1004 3336 60


Unser Spenderservice ist für Sie da: Tel: +49 (0) 89 45 23 081 - 23 (montags bis donnerstags) E-Mail: spenderservice@aerztederwelt.org


Fachliche Voraussetzung

  • Advanced Life Support, Betäubungsmittel, Beurteilungen Durchführen, Humanitarismus, Körperliche Fitness, Notfallmedizin, Pediatric Advanced Life Support, Trauma, Ärztliche Approbation

Persönliche Fähigkeiten

  • Soziale Kompetenz


  • Englisch, Französisch



    Behörde / Gemeinnützig


    Büro Berlin


    Büro Berlin
    Landsberger Str.
    81241 München

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