Worked on a research project in collaboration with MaturusOptimi Industrial Consulting aimed at optimization of microalgae growth and its valorization for energy and chemicals production; designed a cultivation process with improved microalgae yield and a new technology for extraction of omega3 and pigments using ecological solvents
Ihre Aufgaben
Major: Process Engineering
Thesis title: Determination of equilibrium and thermodynamic parameters of the new generation of green solvents toward industrial application Thesis synopsis: The research project, founded by Government of Serbia, was aimed at design of the new generation of ecological solvents such as aqueous polymer biphasic systems and eutectic mixtures and testing its applicability in separation processes. I have successfully performed thermodynamic characterization of relevant multicomponent and multiphase mixtures and modeling of experimental results. An outcome of the project is proposal of new solvents with experimentally proved applicability in extraction processes having improved environmental footprint. Extensive use of software tools: Matlab, Fortran, EINSTEIN and instrumentation: UVvis and FTIR spectroscopy, Thermogravimetric analysis, Differential scanning calorimetry, Density meter, Refractometer, Viscosimeter, Rheometer, Karl-Fischer titration, apparatus for liquid-liquid equilibrium experiments.
2009-10 - 2010-10
completed Master of Science (MSc) Chemical Engineering , Serbia
Major: Process Engineering
Thesis title: Energy analysis and industrial process integration for the case of metal surface treatment Thesis synopsis: The project was aimed at process optimisation using EINSTEIN simulation software. The final goal of the project was to analyse the economic and energy savings for the energy intensive process of metal surface treatment through: proposing less energy intensive technologies, process integration and heat recuperation, and introducing renewable energy technologies into the process.
2005-10 - 2009-10
completed Bachelor of Science (BSc) Chemical Engineering , Serbia
Major: Process Engineering
Thesis title: Energy integration and optimization of distillation columns Thesis synopsis: The project was aimed at process optimization by analyzing the optimal configuration of distillation columns, based on different optimization concepts.
Professional experience
Timeframe Occupation / company Tasks
2018-09 - Till now Patent Examiner Trainee , Germany References are available upon request
Due to excellent academic achievements selected to carry out an internship at the European Patent Office as part of the PAN SEAL programme which brings together top Universities and IP institutions for development of IP industry; Extensively performed state of the art searches on patent applications in the field of air sterilization & deodorization and chromatographic separations, using enhanced software tools; effectively drafted official communications to present opinion to the patent applicants; negotiated effectively with patent attorneys during the patent examination stage; completed trainings related to patent assessment at the EPO Academy; Played on key role within the Team in achieving the planned objectives in 2018-2019., Worked on a project sponsored by Swedish agency SIDA aimed at offering a technical support to the Serbian industry stakeholders within the chemical sector in the implementation of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED); Conducting Undergraduate courses: Programming, Energy process integration, Chemical engineering thermodynamics. Mentoring Undergraduate, Masters, and newly enrolled PhD students in their thesis preparation, working on performance management, communication, their safety, benefits and motivation.
Training and development
Timeframe Degree / institute Content
Stay abroad
2015-06-29 - 2015-07-21 , South Korea
Awarded sponsorship, due to excellent academic achievements, to carry out advanced training on preparation of National Green House Gas (GHG) Inventories and analysis of GHG mitigation per sector using LEAP software, with the coaching offered by the world's recognized experts in climate change issues.
Ihr Profil
14 pubilications in high impact journals and scientific results presented at 5 international conferences; Working experience in Matlab, Fortran, EINSTEIN, LEAP, Design II.
- Automobile