DEPUTY DIRECTOR, Public Health Nursing Alameda County Health Care Services Agency
Anzeige vom: 06.06.2024

DEPUTY DIRECTOR, Public Health Nursing

  • Jahnatal
Alameda County Health Care Services Agency


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Ihre Aufgaben

We are looking for a passionate, innovative leader to serve as the principal assistant to the Director of Public Health Nursing, in the formulation of public health nursing policy and practice., Public Health Nursing is under the Alameda County Public Health Department (ACPHD), of the Alameda County Health Care Services Agency (HCSA). Under administrative supervision of the Public Health Nursing Director, the Deputy Director, Public Health Nursing, oversees the following PH Nursing Programs:

  • Adult Protective Services (APS) Nursing Unit

  • Nurse Consultants

  • Nurse Case Managers

  • Foster Care Nursing Unit

  • In Home Support Services (IHSS) Nursing Unit

  • Occupational Health & Safety Unit

    Under general direction, assists in the administration, coordination and direction of the Public Health Nursing Division; assists in planning, implementing, and evaluating programs within the Public Health Department., The Division consists of Public Health Nurses (PHNs), Family Support Care Coordinators (FSCC), Community Health Outreach Workers (CHOWs), and other staff to support individuals, families and communities utilizing culturally and linguistically appropriate interventions and other supportive methods to ensure their optimal health and well-being. The Division develops and maintains community partnerships to facilitate the availability and provision of nursing and community-based resources and services; maintains standards of health and safety in workplaces; supports nursing students with mentorships in population-based public health nursing to advance the practice; and encourages and provides professional development opportunities for staff. The Deputy Director oversees the units described below., The APS Program consists of Nurse Consultants and Nurse Case Managers. APS investigates reports of abuse and neglect of non-institutionalized elders (65+) and dependent adults (aged 18-64 with cognitive or physical disabilities that place them at risk of abuse or neglect).

  • Nurse Consultants

    As Nurse Consultants, the PHNs provide office, in-home, or on-site consultation to APS Social Workers and Assistant Public Guardian Conservators for clients at risk of harm due to medical/health conditions; performs in-home assessment of clients to gather information from friends, family, medical providers, and others to determine degree of risk, existence of informal/formal home care arrangements, need for hospitalization, or higher level of care, etc.; and recommends the least restrictive care environment in which the client can safely reside.

  • Nurse Case Managers

    As Case Managers, APS conducts comprehensive nursing assessments/reassessments of clients with complex medical and psychosocial challenges in their homes or other community-based settings; assists in obtaining primary medical or specialty care; and provides general and disease specific health education to clients, families and/or caregivers, and other nursing interventions.


    The PHNs in the Foster Care Assessment Center and in the Medically Fragile and Services to Enhance Early Development (SEED) Units provide skilled, professional nursing consultation to the Child Welfare Worker, Child Welfare Supervisor, biological and/or foster family of children ages 0-21 who are served by Alameda County Social Services Children & Family Services; and conduct comprehensive assessments and have knowledge of the health delivery system available to children in foster care, family dynamics of the child removed from an abusive and/or neglectful home and the emotional adaptation to out-of-home placement, and the effects of family separation.


    The IHSS Program provides assistance to eligible aged, blind and disabled individuals who are unable to remain safely in their own home without in-home supportive assistance. PHNs evaluate clients with a variety of medical, mental and transitional support needs for risk of institutionalization by providing comprehensive in-home functional assessments/reassessments; provide education on chronic conditions; work closely with health care providers, social workers, personal care/ domestic services providers, and others to assure that the client remains safely in their home.


    The Occupational Health and Safety Unit contains the Illness and Injury Prevention Program, the Infection Control Program and the Title 15 Jail Inspection Program, and works to prevent and investigate workplace related illnesses and injuries; assesses workplaces to identify possible hazards and educates staff and various Departments/Agencies on how to prevent illnesses, accidents and injuries at their worksites; supports departments/agencies in meeting OSHA Compliance standards; advocates for changes in policies and procedures and/or develops systems to improve safety of staff and their clients; and, oversees the inspection and mitigation strategies of city holding cells and County detention facilities to ensure compliance with Title 15 rules and regulations.

    Alameda County Health Care Services Agency is enriched with a diverse workforce. We believe the best way to deliver optimal programs and services to our communities is to hire and promote talents that are representative of the communities we serve. Diverse candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

Ihr Profil

The ideal candidate for this position will be an innovative, strategic, forward-thinking leader, able to assist in guiding the department in a resource-constrained environment; capable of managing change; creative in solving problems; and flexible in approach. Additionally, the ideal candidate will have:

  • A strong command of public health nursing practice.

  • Ability to interpret and apply complex governmental rules and regulations.

  • Strong leadership skills.

  • Experience working with the public, community representatives and government officials.

  • Ability to work well with all levels of management and staff.

  • Development and supervision of projects and programs.

  • Effective skills in personnel management.

  • Understanding quality improvement principles.

  • Strong oral and written communication skills., EDUCATION: Possession of a bachelor's degree in business administration, public administration, health/healthcare management/administration, nursing or public health from an accredited college or university.

    EXPERIENCE: The equivalent of seven years of full-time professional experience as a Nurse Manager with responsibility for the management and direction of a multi-faceted nursing program or division and multi-disciplinary staff, including program and budget development, organizational/operational planning, development, evaluation and the coordination of community resources at a level equivalent to Alameda County's RN IV.

    LICENSE: Possession of a current and valid license to practice as a Registered Nurse in California. Possession of a current and valid California Public Health Nurse Certificate (PHN).

    SUBSTITUTION: Possession of a master's degree in business administration, public administration, health/healthcare management/administration, nursing or public health from an accredited college or university may be substituted for two years of the required experience in either pattern above.


Please submit a County of Alameda Job Application, resume and cover letter to:

Angela Ball ([email protected])

The application template is available online on Alameda County's On-Line Employment Center at

NEW USERS can click on "New User Registration" to fill out an application template. Once the application is completed, candidates can click on the "Review" tab to "Print My Application" or "SAVE as PDF".


Fachliche Voraussetzung

  • Ablauforganisation, Beratung, Beurteilungen Durchführen, Biologie, Budgetierung, Certified Nurse Practitioner, Change Management, Chronische Krankheit (Fachkompetenz), Community Health, Compliance, Gesundheit und Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz, Gesundheitserziehung, Gesundheitsgerechtigkeit, Gesundheitsverwaltung, Häusliche Krankenpflege, Infektionskontrolle, Innovation, Kaufmännische Verwaltung, Kinderschutz, Krankenpflege im Öffentlichen Gesundheitswesen, Krankheiten und Störungen, Medizinische Versorgung, Nursing Interventions Classification, Personalwesen, Pflege, Pflegerische Beurteilung, Psychosozial, Public Health, Qualitätsmanagement, Risikoanalyse, Schutzdienste für Erwachsene, Sozialarbeit, Sozialwissenschaften, Standards-Compliant, Unterstützung der Familie, Verletzungsprävention, Verwaltungstätigkeiten, Wohlbefinden und Körperpflege, Zellbiologie, Öffentliche Verwaltung

Persönliche Fähigkeiten

  • Führungskompetenz, Kommunikation, Koordinierend, Kreativität, Vorausdenkend


  • Bachelor


  • Mit Berufserfahrung



    Andere / Unbekannt


    Alameda County Health Care Services Agency


    Alameda County Health Care Services Agency
    04749 Jahnatal