Consultancy Final Project Evaluation Protection International Protection International (pi)
Anzeige vom: 06.06.2024

Consultancy Final Project Evaluation

  • Jahnatal
Protection International Protection International (pi)


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Gewünschte Fähigkeiten & Kenntnisse

MS Access
MS Excel


About Protection International

Protection International (PI) is an international non-profit organisation that supports human rights defenders HRDs) in developing their security and protection management strategies. PI has its global office in Brussels, and primarily works where the protection of HRDs is needed. Since 2007, PI has been working with local partners across the globe with offices in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America. In each municipality, country and region we tailor our approach to the context of the defender or group of defenders at risk.

PI provides tools to strengthen HRDs' capacities to manage their own security as they struggle against impunity and work in favour of human rights and democracy in their respective countries or regions. We understand that human rights defenders are subjects of rights, instead of objects for protection. We support individuals, organisations, networks, and communities whose right to defend human rights is being violated through threats, judicial harassment, stigmatisation, or other forms of repression through comprehensive protection programmes, using a preventative, collective, psychosocial, gender-sensitive and intersectional approach. PI seeks to contribute to a situation where HRDs are recognised as legitimate actors for social change and to an environment where they can exercise their right to defend universally accepted human rights., Please note that Protection International does not charge commission or any other fee in its recruitment processes.

Ihre Aufgaben

Since November 2022, Protection International (PI) has been implementing the project called "A Safety Network for West Africa: An Enhanced Human Rights Defenders Network as Crisis Prevention and Peace Actors" to contribute to the creation of a peaceful, safe and conducive environment for Human Rights Defenders (HRDs), with a focus on women defenders within West Africa and more specifically in Nigeria and Togo where they are severely attacked and restricted in the current conflict setting. thanks to financial support from the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Zivik programme.

The general objective of the project is to empower HRDs and their representatives' organisations to promote the right to defend human rights and contribute to peace building initiatives. More specifically, the project aims to enhance preventive, collective protection capacities of the West African Human Rights Defenders Network (WAHRDN) to participate in the prevention of crisis and stabilisation of peace. This project contributes to the creation of a peaceful, safe and conducive environment for Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) in Togo and Nigeria where they are severely attacked and restricted in the current conflict setting. The project addresses the conflict dynamics around sexual violence, excessive force and violent repression of civil society regarding freedom of expression and peaceful demonstration, poor governance & corruption and impunity.

Objectives of the Consultancy

An external evaluation was chosen to help ensure the independence, impartiality, and credibility of the process. Working closely with PI and the beneficiary partners, the consultant will carry out a final evaluation and formulate an independent opinion based on the evaluation shall review.

  • in which way has the project been efficiently and effectively implemented in terms of its future vision and the desired changes

  • the role of the respective organisation (and its partners) in the conflict context (all partisanship, choice of partners, relationship to peace organisation) and how this influences their work, strategies, and effectiveness?

  • the relevance of the intervention strategy/methodology/activities implemented to transform conflict., 1. Field visits to the sites to collect data, conduct interviews and exchange views with key stakeholders. 2. Organise Interviews and group discussions with the PI teams and partner organisations involved in the project, the authorities involved and participants in the activities. 3. Analyse of qualitative results. All the data collected must form part of a comprehensive analysis. 4. Feedback process on initial conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations. 5. An interim report containing the analyses and results of the evaluation in accordance with the ToR will be shared with PI for comment, 1. Expression of Interest with a clear understanding of the TORs. 2. Proposed Methodology and timelines for this assignment. 3. Reference letters/materials from previous assignments. 4. Curriculum Vitae of the individual (s) that will undertake this assignment. For organizations, please provide your organizational profile and portfolio on similar assignment. 5. A budget quotation for the costs of the assignment.

    Interested parties are requested to submit their technical and financial proposals including:

    For independent consultants:

  • A detailed CV (including three referees and areas of expertise)

  • A letter of motivation

  • 1 previous similar evaluation report written by the applicant.

    For consultancy firms:

  • Profile of the organisation

  • Letter of motivation

  • CV of the team that will be involved in the evaluation.

  • Previous similar evaluation report written by the consultancy firm.

    And for both cases:

  • An explanation (understanding) of the terms of reference

  • An explanation of the methodology and the main tools to be used in the evaluation

  • A realistic budget for the evaluation (make a clear distinction between structural costs - air tickets, accommodation, etc. - and the cost of the service).

Ihr Profil

  • A final report taking into account PI's observations and comments. The evaluator compiles both the inception and the final report in English. The report must answer ALL the questions listed in the ToR and include clear recommendations (2 pages). The report is in English with a summary and recommendations in French.
  • Consultant (s) Qualifications

    1. Postgraduate degree in Development/Project Management, Social Sciences, Statistics or another similar field. 2. At least 3 years' knowledge and experience in the fields of human rights, protection of human rights defenders, gender, and peace. 3. At least 5 years' proven experience in qualitative assessments of development projects and human rights protection. 4. Experience in collecting, processing and analysing data using the following software: Ms Excel or SPSS 5. Proven experience and skills in writing evaluation reports (a sample report written by the candidate must be provided); 6. Knowledge of the socio-cultural, economic, and socio-political realities of West Africa in general and Togo and Nigeria in particular. 7. Fluency in English (read, written, and spoken) and good management of French. 8. Experience in collecting case studies and success stories is an asset.


    All applications should be addressed to the Regional Human Resource Officer via: The email subject should read "Final Evaluation Zivik WA Project". All applications will be received by email only. For heavy documents, please provide a link to access them.


    Fachliche Voraussetzung

    • Beurteilungen Durchführen, Datensammlung, Fallstudien, Gesetze (Fachkompetenz), Governance, Microsoft Excel, Personalwesen, Projektmanagement, Sozialwissenschaften, Spss, Statistiken, Wirtschaft

    Persönliche Fähigkeiten

    • Eigenmotivation, Strategisches Denken


    • Dissertation


    • Englisch, Französisch


    • Mit Berufserfahrung



      Industrie / Technik


      Protection International Protection International (pi)


      Protection International Protection International (pi)
      (Industriegebiet Stupferich Auf der Romerstr 1
      76228 Karlsruhe