Technician Scr Solutions
Anzeige vom: 06.06.2024


  • Jahnatal
Scr Solutions


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Gewünschte Fähigkeiten & Kenntnisse

MS Office
Mobile App

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"Exhaust gases cannot be prevented - but we can clean
them and thus protect people and the environment
from damage in a sustainable way."

We are looking for new team members!

Technician in
electrical engineering,
automation technology or

Air pollution, emissions of nitrogen We tackle the daily challenge and develop
sustainable as well as high quality exhaust
oxides, particulate matter - aftertreatment systems for a clean environment.

Does it bother you that everyone just talks about it and no oneWe develop SCR (DeNOx) solutions - adapted to your
does anything? application - to clean exhaust gases for stationary
With our SCR systems, we clean exhaust gases from combustionand maritime combustion engines and for nonprocesses.
Our common goal is to ensure a healthy planet through cleanmotorized combustion processes.
air. Become part of the H+H team and help us with our responsibility by
providing intelligent solutions all over the world! We specialize in catalyst design, development, SPS
Your tasks programming, commissioning as well as service and

You support us in the planning and programming of the electrical andWe focus on variable and small SCR catalyst design,
control technology. Further you will perform on-site commissioning as
well as inspections and acceptance tests. drawing on our service experience with more than
You are part of our team for development projects and contact person750 SCR plants worldwide.
for our customers for technical advice. You are free to organize your
tasks independently.
We are professionals for the niche, where e.g. no
SCR solutions are available from the engine
Your qualification manufacturers.

  • Completed vocational apprenticeship as an electronics technicianWe communicate with our customers, colleagues
    or mechatronics technician and partners at eye level and focus on the absolute
  • Knowledge of Simatic Step 7, WinCC flexible, TIA Portalsatisfaction of our customers.
  • English language skills (written and spoken)
  • Confident handling of MS Office standard software

Your skills

  • Ability to communicate and work in a team Does that sound good to you?

  • Willingness to travel (duration of approx. 3-5 days)

  • Ability to work independently

  • Please send your application only by e-mail to Thomas at . He will get in touch with you and
    What we offer coordinate all further details.

  • Please attach all relevant documents as a PDF file

  • A long-term perspective in a varied and interesting field of activity.(preferably as one large file of max. 6 MB) and refrain from

  • Comprehensive training. This is the best way for you to developusing image files or Word documents.
    professionally. Also your personal development will not be

  • Please formulate the cover letter within the PDF file instead of
    neglected in the exchange and search for solutions with the team,in the text of the e-mail.
    partners and finally the customer.

  • In any case, please include a complete CV in table form with

  • Flat hierarchies, short decision-making processes as well asyour application.
    targeted further training and support.

  • Please limit yourself to the most recent school and work

  • Good social benefits, job bike, a smartphone of the latestreferences and certificates.
    generation and a company car.


Fachliche Voraussetzung

  • Acceptance Testing, Brennverfahren, Computerprogrammierung, Elektronik, Instandhaltung, Luftverunreinigungen, Maritim, Mechatronik, Microsoft Office, SIMATIC Wincc, Sozialarbeit, Stickstoff-Phosphor-Detektor, Tia Portal, Verbrennungsmotoren

Persönliche Fähigkeiten

  • Eigenmotivation, Entscheidungsfähigkeit, Kommunikation, Problemanalyse, Selbstbewusst, Teamarbeit


  • Englisch



    Industrie / Technik


    Scr Solutions


    Scr Solutions
    Herrengasse 2
    96242 Sonnefeld