Relief & Recovery Orientation Course (ROC Medair Roc
Anzeige vom: 06.06.2024

Relief & Recovery Orientation Course (ROC

  • Jahnatal
Medair Roc


  • Arbeitszeit
  • Typ

Gewünschte Fähigkeiten & Kenntnisse

ROC Zeugnis


Medair is currently working in Afghanistan, D.R. Congo, Jordan, Lebanon, Madagascar, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, and Yemen.

Field contracts given will be based in one of these countries or any new programmes that Medair starts up.

Why consider the Medair ROC?

If you have professional experience that matches one or more of the Medair sectors but you cannot see any current jobs that fit your profile, apply directly for the Medair ROC, our "Relief and Recovery Orientation Course". We will try and match your profile to our upcoming field vacancy needs and if there is a good match, we will consider you for this or a future ROC. Everyone who works as an Internationally Recruited Staff in one of our field programmes must first successfully complete the ROC.

Candidates accepted onto the Medair ROC/vROC will be considered for International Staff field roles.

Ihre Aufgaben

The ROC simulation includes practical exercises, research, and daily updates of changing field conditions and security bulletins.

Ihr Profil

  • Minimum 1 year's professional experience in one of the sectors referred to above

  • Project management and team management experience

  • Management experience desirable, especially in a relief environment

  • Experience at cross cultural communication techniques; Diplomatic and sensitive to cross cultural issues; Good negotiation skills, especially in the context of another culture

  • Clear verbal and written communication skills; Able to express views clearly

  • Experience in dealing with donors and government officials desirable

  • Experience in training/mentoring staff; Team player with strong relational skills

  • Committed to team-building, and to consultative and servant leadership

  • Planning, assessment and analytical skills

  • Report writing and proposal writing skills desirable

  • Good level of self-motivation, with a pro-active approach to work, problem solver, dynamic, mature

  • Able to prioritise clearly and oversee multiple tasks

  • Capacity to work under pressure and to tight deadlines

  • Ability to live and work in conflict and rural environment

Wir bieten Ihnen

You and your spouse may both apply for field roles and Medair will do its best to place you in the same location. However, placements for International Staff with accompanying spouses are very limited and reserved mostly for senior or critical roles. 4. Do you have children under 18 years old? Due to the emergency context of our work, we offer very few placements for families with children. 5. Are you familiar with the time commitment and costs associated with attending the ROC? Please ensure you have fully understood the time and costs associated with this course. Download our ROC Brochure for all course details. 6. Do your skills and experience align with what we look for? Learn more about the profiles we seek and the benefits we offer for International Staff. 7. Are you suitable to work with children? Medair is committed to safeguarding the protection of all parties we work with, especially children. We do not employ staff whose background we understand to be unsuitable for working with children. Please review our protection policies carefully before applying.


Fachliche Voraussetzung

  • Entwicklung von Vorschlägen, Erstellung von Reports, Verhandlung

Persönliche Fähigkeiten

  • Analytisches Denken, Eigenmotivation, Fleißig und Engagiert, Führungskompetenz, Kommunikation, Problemanalyse, Stressbewältigung



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    Medair Roc


    Medair Roc
    04749 Jahnatal