Managing your PhD Target Group
Anzeige vom: 06.06.2024

Managing your PhD

  • Jahnatal
Target Group


  • Arbeitszeit
  • Typ

Gewünschte Fähigkeiten & Kenntnisse



Managing your PhD

  • Time- and Selfmanagement -
    Stepping into the PhD candidate level of your career comes with a new set of challenges. After finishing your masters degree, you are now responsible for your own research project! While it is certainly thrilling, the workload and scope of such a project may be overwhelming.
    Besides the hard facts about your field of research, which you learned about during your university education, excellent research also requires soft skills like project management and good communication with your supervisor and peers. Furthermore, balancing the workload with your private life is important for your mental health. In this interactive workshop, you will learn how to use the most important tools that help you cope with this new set of challenges.
    Photo: Daria Nepriakhina | Unsplash

In this workshop, participants will

learn about the following topics:

  • how to keep the bigger picture of your project in mind
    (and on your whiteboard)
  • feedback: how to thrive from it and how to give it effectively
  • communication with your supervisor
  • structuring a great meeting with the supervisor
  • team dynamics: the tuckman model
  • time management basics:
    o go with the flow: your energy phases
    o prioritizing your tasks: eisenhower
    o planning your day: the 60/40 rule
    o the pomodoro method
    o how efficient is perfect? Is being perfect efficient?: the pareto principle
  • project management basics
    o the project management cycle
    o gantt charts
    o setting SMART goals and following through
    o agile project management
  • dealing with crisis:
    o what kind of crisis may arise during your PhD and how you can deal with them
    o know when to quit: the sunken cost fallacy
  • feeling like an impostor: how do deal with it
  • basic rules of networking in science
    Photo: Wix
    In principle, all my workshop formats use interactive, experience-based learning. I employ
    the following methods:
  • mindmapping
  • theoretical input
  • exercises in small groups
  • peer-to-peer feedback
  • discussion in plenum
    this course is only offered in a 2-day format
    First year PhD candidates


Target Group
01514 1680924


Fachliche Voraussetzung

  • Agile Methodologie, Anforderungspriorisierung, Auswahl von Zielmarkt, Gantt, Peer-To-Peer, Projektmanagement, Psychische Gesundheit, SMART-Kriterien, Whiteboard, Zeitmanagement

Persönliche Fähigkeiten

  • Vernetzung


  • Master





    Target Group


    Target Group
    Plauer Landstr 200
    14772 Brandenburg an der Havel