Advocacy Expert (m/f/d Forumzfd Jerusalem
Anzeige vom: 06.06.2024

Advocacy Expert (m/f/d

  • Jahnatal
Forumzfd Jerusalem


  • Arbeitszeit
  • Typ

Gewünschte Fähigkeiten & Kenntnisse


Unsere Leistungen



forumZFD is an International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO), established in 1996. We are working in the field of conflict transformation in Europe, the Middle East, and South-East Asia.

Located in Jerusalem, forumZFD's regional office works on projects in both Israel and Palestine since 1999. We work through partnerships with local civil society including NGOs, grassroots organizations, students, junior journalists, youth and women groups, community leaders, activists, and artists. Together we implement projects and events where the impact concentrates in the areas of peace education, art and media for social change, and narrative shift & advocacy. With our partners we are committed to a shared concept that cultivates into a dynamic cooperation. In our efforts, forumZFD Jerusalem strives for a holistic approach where inclusion and diversity is promoted.

forumZFD is recognized by the German federal government as a member of the Civil Peace Service (CPS) consortium. It finances its work through public and private grants, donations, and membership fees.

Ihre Aufgaben

As an advocacy specialist, you will use your expertise in journalism and networking to continue and enrich existing cooperation and develop new partnerships. Independently implementing workshops, trainings, and organizing advocacy initiatives with partners, adhering to a conflict sensitive approach, also belong to your area of responsibility.

Within the program, you will furthermore be part of the media team for forumZFD's external communication and the cooperation between the head office in Cologne and the Program in Jerusalem.

Also in your role as advocacy expert, you will support in the collection and analysis of data and present forumZFD's Israel/Palestine regional work to the public through the development and implementation of sensitive strategic communication (content as well as advocacy campaigns), targeting various key stakeholders in both Israel/Palestine and abroad.

Moreover, you will spread awareness and knowledge about the program's conflict transformation approach and also implement activities with the aim to enhance enabling spaces, influencing practices and policies. In this capacity, you will actively participate in the regional Civil Peace Service Advocacy Working Group., Manager Projects and Programmes E-Mail Telephone +49 (0) 221 912732 52

Ihr Profil

  • Advanced degree in journalism; peacebuilding, management, international development, or other relevant fields;

  • Min. 5 years of professional experience in conflict sensitive journalism, constructive journalism, and/or peace journalism and interconnected areas. PR and in a setting with significant social media responsibilities. Professional experience in a field with relevant overlaps to this position may be considered;

  • Proven track record of developing and implementing communication and advocacy strategies, including creating and producing communication and advocacy materials;

  • Experience in independent pro-active planning, and implementation of co-operation projects with activists, networks, movements and/or NGOs;

  • Experience in creating (social) media content including videos and visuals and curating discussions on social media;

  • Excellent understanding of different tools and social media platforms and how they can be positioned in different scenarios;

  • Strong social competence, capacity for teamwork and ability to integrate quickly into daily project routine; strong ability to think strategically and conceptually;

  • Strong experience in facilitating workshops, training and sharing skill building know-how;

  • Good ability to work independently as well as in cooperation with team members;

  • Physical and psychological stability and intercultural sensitivity to work and live in a complex society and challenging context;

  • Fluent English and German language skills both spoken and written. Arabic and/or Hebrew is an asset;

  • Driving license and experience;

  • A good sense of humor., We offer an attractive position with responsibilities for a minimum of two years in a growing organization. We also offer participation in qualification and professional development courses (among others, at forumZFD's Academy for Conflict Transformation), a project-based preparation, regular coaching and, where appropriate, participation in a language course. As the position is based on the German Development Aid Workers Act (EhfG) it is remunerated according to the provisions of this law, including comprehensive social security benefits and financial reintegration assistance upon return. Working for forumZFD, you will be engaged within the innovative field of conflict transformation and peacebuilding through the contribution of your ideas and skills.


Please apply online at, latest by October 23, 2023.

An online assessment centre as part of the selection process will be held from November 14 - 16, 2023. In case of any questions, please feel free to contact Inga Gründel (

Please find further information about our organization and our assignments online at This job advertisement as well as further employment postings can be viewed at, Inga Gründel, Committed to Peace Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst e.V. Am Kölner Brett 8, 50825 Köln Tel.: 0221 91 27 32 - 0


Fachliche Voraussetzung

  • Coaching und Mentoring, Entwicklungshilfe, Fahren, Finanzen, Innovation, Journalismus, Online-Assessments, Psychologie, Soziale Medien

Persönliche Fähigkeiten

  • Eigenmotivation, Kommunikation, Strategisches Denken, Teamarbeit


  • Arabisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Hebräisch


  • Mit Berufserfahrung





    Forumzfd Jerusalem


    Forumzfd Jerusalem
    Am Kölner Brett
    50825 Köln