Executive Director Oxfam México
Anzeige vom: 06.06.2024

Executive Director

  • Jahnatal
Oxfam México


  • Arbeitszeit
  • Typ

Gewünschte Fähigkeiten & Kenntnisse


Unsere Leistungen



  • Formulate plans, strategies and programs for institutional development to achieve the objectives of Oxfam Mexico.

  • Run and represent Oxfam's work in Mexico, expanding its impact effectiveness and capacity, with support from the Board of Directors.

  • Cultivate good working relationships and alliances with government bodies, civil society organisations, donors, the private sector, and other strategic allies.

  • Serve as a member of the Board of Executive Directors of Oxfam International and perform a proactive, dynamic role in Oxfam international forums.,

  • Empower Oxfam Mexico to reach its vision of a world without injustice, through active citizenship and taking a rights-based approach.

  • Identify opportunities to accelerate the growth of a healthy, vibrant and sustainable organisation that effectively contributes to Oxfam International´s principles and values.

  • Accountability to Oxfam Mexico´s Board of Directors, guaranteeing access to information to chart a visionary strategy, thus allowing it to fulfil its governance responsibilities.

  • Create and support an environment which results in strong partnerships, influence, knowledge sharing and innovation.

  • Ensure overall leadership of disaster preparedness, mitigation and management, including humanitarian response and consulting the Oxfam Global Humanitarian Team for advice and support.

  • Adhere to Oxfam's principles and values, including the promotion of gender justice and women's rights.


  • Lead the operational team to compose a cohesive, consistent committed and responsible body.

  • Create an open, equitable, coaching and transparent working culture.

  • Ensure Oxfam Mexico has the required resources and competencies to fully fulfil its goals and objectives.

  • Identify strategic priorities and ensure the functioning of reporting, monitoring, and administrative processes.

  • Ensure compliance with contractual and legal obligations regarding security and health of staff and all collaborators, in line with the principles of child safety, gender equality and diversity, equity and inclusion.

  • Ensure compliance with security, communication and institutional protocols.

  • Manage conflict and ensure the effective prevention, training and handling of complaints of sexual harassment and abuse by Oxfam staff and partners.

  • Run the organisation by following institutional processes and policies, under the strategic directions and decisions of the Board of Directors.

  • Lead organisational efforts for appropriate accountability to society, donors, Oxfam International and other strategic allies.

Strategy & Planning

  • Develop, implement and adjust Oxfam Mexico´s Strategic Plan, previously approved by the Board of Directors.

  • Guarantee the formulation, implementation and adjustment to policies for all activities carried out by the organisation including the influencing and humanitarian action program.

  • Contribute to and maximize the use of knowledge networks to share strategic thinking and learning more widely, and ensure that programming builds on learning and is evidence-based, innovative and agile and responsive to opportunities for change.

  • Establish the processes of planning, monitoring and accountability of the budget allocated for the operation and execution of Oxfam Mexico actions.

Ihre Aufgaben

Pour postuler à ce poste, veuillez préparer votre CV et une lettre de motivation (une page) décrivant succinctement en quoi votre profil correspond aux exigences, compétences et capacités clés requises pour cette fonction. Les deux dossiers doivent être soumis au format .doc(x) ou .rtf, via ce formulaire en ligne : mis.tl/cv., Après avoir soumis votre candidature, vous recevrez une confirmation automatisée. Si vous ne la recevez pas ou si vous avez des questions générales concernant la soumission de votre candidature, veuillez écrire à : enquiry@missiontalent.com, The Executive Director provides strategic direction and leadership for Oxfam Mexico, including leading the senior management team. Oxfam Mexico is organised into five departments with approximately 70 full-time staff. The senior management team includes Directors for: Strategic Operations, Human Resources & Culture, Programs, Public Engagement and Fundraising.

The Executive Director will set a new strategy for Oxfam Mexico in 2021, in line with the strategy of Oxfam International. The Executive Director will set the tone for an impact and results-driven organization, promote innovation and learning, and ensure financial health and the fulfilment of institutional values, purpose and goals.

The Executive Director reports to a Board of Directors, relates to the General Assembly (Oxfam's constituents governance body), and represents Oxfam Mexico within the global confederation.

Wir bieten Ihnen

Le interesa? Para optar a este puesto, por favor envíe su CV y una carta de motivación (de una página máximo) que resuma cómo su perfil encaja con los requisitos clave y con las habilidades del puesto. Ambos documentos deben estar en formato Word y se deben subir a través del formulario en línea que encontrará en el siguiente enlace: mis.tl/cv.

Después de enviar su postulación, recibirá una confirmación automática. Si no la recibe o si tiene alguna pregunta general sobre el proceso de solicitud, por favor escriba a: enquiry@missiontalent.com


Persönliche Fähigkeiten

  • Führungskompetenz


  • Master



    Andere / Unbekannt


    Oxfam México


    Oxfam México
    04749 Jahnatal