Project Officer and Advisor Online Seminars Forumzfd
Anzeige vom: 06.06.2024

Project Officer and Advisor Online Seminars

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Gewünschte Fähigkeiten & Kenntnisse

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forumZFD supports people involved in violent conflicts on the path to peace and strives to help overcome war and violence.

Our Academy for Conflict Transformation, the qualification department inside forumZFD, offers a learning space for professional, international peace work and is training experts in the field of civil conflict transformation. Our educational work is an expression of our conviction that non-violent, constructive ways of dealing with conflicts can be both taught and learned. The main goal is to provide specialists who already work or intent to work on international peace projects and conflict-sensitive development cooperation with practical tools that allow them to contribute to building lasting peace. In our courses and trainings, we create learning spaces where theory meets practice. Within this, our educational concept focuses on personal development, self-determination, responsibility and the ability to act in conflicts. One of our central concerns is fostering a personal attitude oriented towards peace-related values among all those who participate. The international intercultural exchange and participatory learning are particular strengths of all our trainings.

The Academy's portfolio consists of longer, comprehensive training courses in peace and conflict work as well as shorter trainings focused on specific topics - both as in-person and online. Furthermore, we offer specific exchange platforms for alumni and orientation trainings for people interested in the Civil Peace Service (CPS). The Academy also offers tailor-made trainings in the field of peace and conflict transformation.

Ihre Aufgaben

  • ...understand the specifics of environmental conflict as well as the impact of climate change and environmental damages on communities and social cohesion,

  • …have developed a sensitivity to identifying intended and unintended consequences of peacebuilding projects for the environment,

  • …have learned about best practice examples and the potential of environmental peacebuilding on land, resource and climate change-related conflicts,

  • …have started reflecting about environmental aspects in the peacebuilding projects and contexts they are working and/or living in.

    The planned schedule is two weeks of training with two four-hour live sessions per week. Adjustments are possible, if they are suitable for the topic. Between the live sessions, the participants will work independently and together with others on provided material (literature, podcasts, videos or similar). The training aims to be as hands-on-oriented as possible and to be embedded in the context of the participants. However, the weekly workload for the participants in addition to the live sessions should be about 2-4 hours.

    The Academy for Conflict Transformation promotes an interactive, varied and playful learning environment and exchange-oriented communication of content in the digital space. In addition to input from the trainer, the exchange of ideas among the participants, for example in group work and discussions, is also crucial and a valuable resource. We emphasize a warm, encouraging, trusting and appreciating atmosphere in this online setting. The facilitator's expertise and the personal exchange between participants will constitute key components of these trainings. The Academy is aware of different power structures and considers it in the designing of the content and the training. Together with the trainers, we are striving to create a room when needed, where related thoughts and concerns are discussable.

    To ensure a productive exchange on both a professional and personal level, the target number of participants is 16 people. If there are any changes in this regard, the trainer will be notified in a timely manner.

    Our online thematic trainings are conducted on the learning platform ILIAS. For the live sessions we use BigBlueButton. This virtual learning space is only open to participants and the facilitator.

  • Deliverables

    The trainer shall perform an online thematic training (preparing, holding and follow-up) and is responsible for designing and accompanying both the synchronous and asynchronous parts of the learning process, supported by and in agreement with the Academy's team. This includes the following tasks:

    Conceptualization and preparation of the training

    • Providing information on the training for the acquisition of participants

    • Depending on the needs at least one consultation with the Academy's educational advisor on the tools used during the training. After a detailed briefing we expect the facilitator to be able to use these platforms independently.

    • If useful: Providing one basic reading document ahead of the training for the participants to prepare

    • Providing the content for the different modules on the learning platform and designing the tasks and deliverables for participants to invest 2-4 hours weekly in the training in regular consultation with the educational advisor

    • The detailed and updated training outline shall be sent to the educational advisor four weeks before the start

      Implementation of the training

    • Independent facilitation of the live sessions and preparation thereof

    • Feedback to participants' deliverables and contributions

    • Creating a safe space in the online environment

    • Adapting the training to participants' needs and the learning process

    • Friendly and responsive communication with the participants

      Evaluation of the training

    • One last evaluative meeting with the educational advisor or a written report

      The Academy for Conflict Transformation supports the methodical and content-related organization and is responsible for the advertising of the training, done in cooperation with the facilitator. It also provides the technical infrastructure for the training (e.g. access to the learning platform ILIAS and the video conferencing tool BigBlueButton). Additional software and platforms, such as interactive whiteboards or brainstorming tools, can be used and offered by the Academy if agreed to in advance. Furthermore, we provide the trainer with information on participants' experience and expectations before the start of the training. The educational advisor is always available for consultation., The Academy offers a daily rate of 650 € (excl. VAT).[1] This training implies four daily rates (preparation, implementation, evaluation).[2]

  • Submission of proposals

    The proposals should include:

    • A CV

    • A cover letter explaining your motivation and working approaches, including information on availability

    • A training concept and outline (see annex 1)

      Please submit all documents in English.

    Ihr Profil

  • Substantial knowledge of the theory of the training subject 2. Relevant hands-on experience in areas related to the training subject 3. Substantial experience as a trainer and/or in adult education in transcultural contexts 4. Strong communication skills, ability to recognize and respond to participants' needs, willingness to implement constructive feedback 5. Previous experience with online learning processes, dynamic and interactive online tools and the creation of safe spaces in the virtual environment. 6. Excellent skills of the training language (English) 7. Being aware of various power relations and one's own role as well as taking an anti-racist stance

    Rating criteria

    • Qualification and Experience, Weighting: 40%

    • Quality of the Concept, Weighting: 60%


    Please send your application to Vi Pundt ( Please make sure to clearly state in the email subject [Surname, Name, Online Training "Introduction Environmental Peacebuilding"].

    We look forward to receiving your application by 23 October 2023.

    In case of questions, do not hesitate to contact Hannah Würbel ( or Marianne Albrecht (

    Further information about our organization can be found on our website English information about our academy is provided under, Marianne Albrecht, Committed to Peace Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst e.V. Am Kölner Brett 8, 50825 Köln Tel.: 0221 91 27 32 - 0


    Fachliche Voraussetzung

    • Beratung, Erwachsenenbildung, Feedback-Verwaltung, Infrastruktur, Interactive Whiteboards, Lernplattformen, Virtuelle Lernumgebungen, Virtuelle Umgebung, Wirtschaft

    Persönliche Fähigkeiten

    • Anpassungsfähigkeit, Freundlichkeit, Kommunikation, Prozessorientiert


    • Englisch







      Am Kölner Brett
      50825 Köln