UN Security Council Resolution 2250 on 'Youth, Peace and Security' was a milestone in recognising the crucial role of young people in peacebuilding and preventing and countering conflict worldwide.
Eight years and further follow-up resolutions, strategy papers and handbooks later, many still find it difficult to integrate the YPS agenda into their work. Nevertheless, the inclusion of young people's perspectives is essential for successful and professional crisis management.
Half of the world's population is under 30 years old - and yet young people are rarely involved in peace processes or peace operations. The exclusion of young people not only means that the potential and knowledge of one of the largest demographic groups remains untapped, but can also lead to misjudgements of the situation and stereotyping of young people.
Ihre Aufgaben
The aim of the course "Youth, Peace and Security in Peace Operations and Peacebuilding" is to equip participants with knowledge and skills for youth-sensitive work and the implementation of the YPS agenda.
The course will take place online between 05 March and 18 April 2024 with 4 sessions.
The live sessions of the course will take place on 5 and 12 March and on 9 and 18 April. Each session will last 2.5 to 3 hours. Participants are also expected to spend an additional 2-4 hours per week on self-study and completing the course assignments.
The course will be held in English.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of the course, participants will:
Understand and be able to explain the importance and benefits of engaging young people in peacebuilding and peace operations,
Be familiar with UN Security Council Resolution 2250, its follow-up resolutions and the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda,
know how to facilitate meaningful inclusion of young people
be able to apply a youth lens to conflict analysis
know how to integrate a youth perspective into their work and develop implementation strategies for programming, 4 session: IMPLEMENTATION - Implementation of the YPS Agenda and outlook
Ihr Profil
- a motivation letter in English explaining your motivation for applying for the training, No previous experience in the field of youth is required.
Jana Burke
Training Officer Team Training E-Mail: training@zif-berlin.org