Ihre Aufgaben
Responsibilities: teaching classes in the subject of Sociology of disability and social disadvantage (up to the interim evaluation 4, then 6 credit hours per week per semester (SWS)); teaching, advising students and taking on exams in the special education teaching courses and in the master's degree in social work in special educational fields; accompanying and advising students in study-related projects and internships and contribution to the university's self-governance; acquisition of third-party funds is expected.
Ihr Profil
Requirements: academic degree in sociology and qualified doctorate; areas of specialization with affinity to the denomination (e.g. sociology of social inequality, poverty/exclusion, disability studies/cultural sociology, legal and professional sociology of educational professions including social work), experience and knowledge in special education fields of action; expertise in methods of empirical social research (qualitative and/or quantitative research methods); prerequisites for tenure-track-professorships according to § 51 LHG BW.
positions at Ludwigsburg University of Education (https://media.ph-ludwigsburg.de/downloadzentrum/objekte/1408887-Qualittssicherungskonzept-fr-Juniorprofessuren-mit-Tenure-Track). The evaluation criteria for mid-tenure review and final review are based on the requirements listed under "Responsibilities"., Please send your application stating the reference number to "Rektor der Pädagogischen Hochschule Ludwigsburg" by e-mail as a single PDF file to rektorvorzimmer@ph-ludwigsburg.de by 15.06.2023.
Please send us your completed application form (https://www.ph-ludwigsburg.de/hochschule/verwaltung/personalangelegenheiten/stellenangebote).
In case you have questions, please call +49 7141 140-1450 or write to rektorvorzimmer@ph-ludwigsburg.de.
To read more about Ludwigsburg University of Education, visit our website at www.ph-ludwigsburg.de.