The IUCN Green List is also a programme of certification for protected and conserved areas (PCAs) that are effectively managed and fairly governed. It acts as an incentive and offers a stepwise programme that can help make PCAs fit for the future and thus secure past successes and future investments. Enrolled sites become part of a network and benefit from technical support to improve their performance and impacts. The 30x30 challenge is a global target which aims to halt the accelerating loss of species and protect vital ecosystems that are the source of our economic security. More than 100 countries are committed globally to increasing spatial targets to protect or effectively conserve at least 30% of the planet - land and sea - by 2030. Effective management of protected and conserved areas and public and private financing are needed to ensure long-term management, local governance, and precise implementation mechanisms to put nature recovery by 2030. To support this ambition, IUCN is currently implementing Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and IUCN Strategic Partnership project to secure at least 1,000 equitable and effective protected and conserved areas in places of importance for biodiversity through scaling the IUCN Green List Standard, to offer a meaningful pathway to implement the new Global Biodiversity Framework and 30x30 ambitions to secure biodiversity and climate benefits. The IUCN Green List operations have been funded mainly through a portfolio of projects. Still, IUCN will seek opportunities to generate direct financial support for participating sites based on their commitment to achieving the Standard and their demonstrated progress and good performance. At the same time, IUCN and partners require sustained financing to support
Ihre Aufgaben
Green List operations, evaluation and Assurance, communications and outreach to ensure quality and credibility in the Green List Standard and certification process. Some new approaches will help move from a project-based model to a sustained financing programme for the Green List operations, the participating sites, and the overall vision of the 30x30 new Global Biodiversity Framework linked to nature conservation financing:
map existing opportunities and identify challenges for new financing mechanisms tools;
identify and promote innovative financing mechanisms to support the participating sites;
explore further the series of additional revenues and funding to support an efficient secretariat and credible Assurance;
find synergies between national and regional projects, and improve the allocation of resources to Green List development priorities;
link the capacity to demonstrate positive impacts on biodiversity and society to available financial investment and stimulate collaboration with existing financial mechanisms, such as trust funds and special granting programmes., The cost-effectiveness analysis will map resources that have been used and are currently available to implement the overall Green List programme. This sustainability in financing the overall programme aims to strengthen the governance and the core operations of the IUCN Green List at the global and regional levels. The Green List cost-effectiveness analysis describes objectives, activities, funds, and resources for all levels of GL activities. This analysis will feed, in parallel, the Green List Business Plan (GLBP) to identify and define one or more innovative mechanisms to support these assessed resources and capacities to 2030. It will describe all the resources and capacities that will have been secured as increased financing assets. It may support a business model to strengthen fundraising and financing mechanisms. This analysis is a tool to understand financial gaps in implementing GL objectives. It can monitor progress, show accountability, control the direction and guide GL actions to achieve successful outcomes. The IUCN Green List Secretariat is searching for a consultancy service to conduct the Costeffectiveness analysis of the overall Green List operational activities. The tasks will comprise the list (not exhaustive) of deliverables as follow, 1. Description IUCN GL Familiarise with the foundational documentation, develop purposes for Secretariat implementing the IUCN Green List Business Plan, list of target groups, etc.
Compile the sources of direct, indirect and in-kind Green List sites, resourcing for 2014-2022 and their sustainability committed and
Audit the cost-effectiveness of the Green List certified operations, including data management, capacity development, communication and events, and Assurance; and identify options for optimising costs
At jurisdictional level -
Assess the average cost of implementing the Green List at the regional, national or sub-national level, including establishing and maintaining a group of experts (EAGL), promoting and coordinating the programme, and coordinating costs
At site level -
Assess the current costs and resources required for a complete nomination cycle and the relisting process, considering regional variation
Based on a SWOT analysis and compilation of best practices, identify options for optimising costs at the site level. Options could include bringing sites into several workable clusters, distributing the costs, increasing automation, and streamlining mentoring.
b) Estimate the costs implications of scaling up the Green List Programme by 2030: -
Evaluate the costs required to implement the Green List Development Plan activities, including its nine (9) flagships, including operating costs (Assurance, capacity development, data management, communication)
Include projected revenues, expenses, cash flows, and break-even analysis and strategies for managing financial risk.
Assess the overall risk of Green List portfolio (including social, political, operational and ecological risks)
Prepare cost analysis scenarios for the Green List implementation in each priority region and country
Coordination meetings, results workshops with IUCN teams and partners, review, follow-up, and other tasks will also be considered during the mission.
C. TECHNICAL REPORTING The Consultant will report to IUCN Protected and Conserved Areas Team on all activities conducted and deliverables. The tentative reporting timeline is below:
Type of report Period (from-to) Submission
Cost-effectiveness analysis: financial analysis and projection
Kick-off, preparation, coordination September 2023
Regular meetings with IUCN GL September - October Secretariat (bi-weekly): preparation, 2023 process
Consultation with IUCN regional offices October - November and analysis work 2023
Consultation with external stakeholders: October - November partner countries, sites managers (GL 2023 sites) and analysis work
Final Green List cost-effectiveness report 17 December 2023
Ihr Profil
Academic degree in business development, finance, or related analytical discipline preferred
Minimum of 10 years of professional experiences in financial management with planning, forecasting, and financial analysis
Experience conducting market research, including analysing and synthesising research reports and conducting primary research
Added value: experience with nature conservation, environmental topics, or protected areas, or experiences with ESG and CSR
Knowledge of different IUCN tools (particularly IUCN Green List) is an added value
Excellent spoken and written communication; confidence in interviewing different stakeholders (PCA site managers, GL regional coordinators, etc.)
Fluency in written and spoken English
Consultants must submit their applications no later than Midnight CET time on September 7th 2023 by e-mail to: Siska Martina Sihombing : Thierry Lefebvre :
The subject heading of the e-mail shall be "Application: IUCN Green List Cost-Effectiveness Analysis".