Scientific Support Cispa Helmholtz Center For Information Security
Anzeige vom: 06.06.2024

Scientific Support

  • Jahnatal
Cispa Helmholtz Center For Information Security


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The CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security is a major federal research institution within the Helmholtz Association. The scientists research information security in all its facets. They conduct cutting-edge basic research as well as innovative application-oriented research and work on pressing challenges in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and data protection. CISPA research results find their way into industrial applications and products that are available worldwide. In this way, CISPA strengthens the competitiveness of Germany and Europe. It also promotes talent and is a cadre for excellently trained specialists and managers for industry. In this way, CISPA also carries its know-how into the future.

CISPA coordinates ELSA - European Lighthouse on Secure and Safe AI, which is a virtual center of excellence funded by the EU. This involves both the alignment and the planning of communication activities within this growing network of European AI experts.

Ihre Aufgaben

As part of the ELSA project office, you will be the main contact, both internally and externally, for all press-related topics. You will lead the ELSA Communication Club, liaising with ELSA researchers, project managers and press contacts from all partner institutes in order to identify, and plan, the distribution of all ELSA activities, research results and events that are relevant to the press.

You will research, write and publish editorial content for a number of communication products and channels (website, newsletter, Twitter etc.). You will further develop content for the ELSA website and create targeted communication concepts and formats (such as blogs) based on an analytical observation of the latest debates on AI in politics and the media. You will implement and promote these concepts and assess their efficiency using analysis tools. Corporate Communications at CISPA can support the graphic and filmic implementation of these concepts.

You will advise researchers on the selection, conception, revision and publication of topics that are PR relevant. This includes designing workshops and talks of cross-regional and international character and aiding their implementation.

Ihr Profil

  • The candidate must possess a university degree in communication sciences, German or journalism or else have finished a journalism traineeship focusing on computer science, science, or research and possess the respective skills and experience

  • Several years' work experience as a journalist, reporter and/or editor in the fields of IT, science and politics

  • Previous experience in social media management, community management and the respective analysis tools

  • Excellent command of German and English, both written and spoken

  • Previous knowledge in the field of AI is desirable

  • Must be a team player and be able to work in cooperative environment

  • Must possess organizational talent and be able to assert oneself

  • Positive mindset and capacity to handle pressure

  • Previous project management experience


Fachliche Voraussetzung

  • Beratung, Community Management, Grafikdesign, Grundlagenforschung, Informatik, Informationssicherheit, Innovation, Journalismus, Kommunikationswissenschaften, Künstliche Intelligenz, Projektmanagement, Soziale Medien, Unternehmenskommunikation

Persönliche Fähigkeiten

  • Positive Einstellung, Stressbewältigung, Teamarbeit


  • Deutsch, Englisch



    Andere / Unbekannt


    Cispa Helmholtz Center For Information Security


    Cispa Helmholtz Center For Information Security
    04749 Jahnatal