Ihr Profil
The Energy Storage group of IREC announces a 6-month predoctoral positions for a highly motivated candidate to work on electrochemical CO 2 conversion into syngas within the CO2SAF project. The candidate will carry out multidisciplinary activities related to the synthesis, characterization and evaluation of electrocatalytic materials in electrochemical set-ups.
The candidates must have bachelor and master degrees in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science or equivalent. Previous experience in synthesis and characterization of materials, CO2 electroconversion, and testing of electrochemical devices are required for the position. Good verbal and written communication skills in English are also required.
Wir bieten Ihnen
Duration of the contract: 6 months
Salaries will be paid in accordance with the IREC's salary policy, depending on the candidate's qualification and professional experience.
The recruitment process will follow the guidelines of the European Charter of Researchers.
Interested candidates should send a detailed CV and motivation letter to Dr. Sebastián Murcia, e-mail: smurcia@irec.cat , indicating "R1 Research researcher - CO2SAF" in the subject.