Design Engineer Gfcl Ev Products Limited
Anzeige vom: 06.06.2024

Design Engineer

  • Jahnatal
Gfcl Ev Products Limited


  • Arbeitszeit
  • Typ

Gewünschte Fähigkeiten & Kenntnisse



Job description

Job Description

Position Title Design Engineer
Company GFCL EV Products Limited
Grade / Level IV
Division / Department Projects
Job Detail

Job Purpose

  • Responsible for Pre-Simulation work of a COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (CFD) study such as understanding the process with process documents.
  • Responsible for 3D CAD model built-up for the simulation.
  • Perform the Mass and Energy balance calculations to arrive the operating and design parameters for the simulation work.
  • Value addition contribution in the team discussions.
  • Willing to understand and upskill the Numerical techniques for the standard references.
  • 3D CAD model development Process Equipment of & COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (CFD) interfaces and Basic Design Engineering tasks.
  • Perform process simulations and develop Process Flow Diagrams (PFD's) and Heat and Material Balances
  • Required data collection for model development and validation.
  • Prinicipal job accoutabilities

    Accountabilities Major Activities Key Performance Indicators

  • Responsible for realistic model development pf Chemical process to optimize/ validate the design and operating parameters. 2) Provide technical support to Basic Engineering tasks 1) Studying the process documents and extracting the information for the process modeling, 2) Develop Heat and Material Balances, Develop P & I diagrams. 3) Discuss with operating/projects team to understand the process obstacles/ performance reductions. 4) Prepare 3D CAD models for the CFD simulations. 5) Calibrate with the along with tech transfer/ Operation department and collect the data for the model optimization/ validation. 6) Active involvement in all the simulation tasks. 7) Prepare the reports of the modeling tasks. 8) Sharing and presenting the reports with the respective project managers. 9) Follow up the managers to make sure all their objectives are fulfilled. 10) Be in touch with the project team to understand the success stories from modeling team conclusions. 1)
    Based on the Technology Transfer Package, develop the process Flow Diagrams, 2) Develop Heat and Material Balances, Develop P & I diagrams. 3) Prepare process data sheets and instrument data sheets. 4) Develop utility summary. 5) Prepare equipment layout. 6) Prepare enquiry documents for package items. 7) Witness the demonstration batches along with tech transfer department and improvise the process based on observations 8) Prepare Batch manufacturing report. 9) Develop sizing information for Process Equipment (compressors, pumps, heat exchangers, distillation columns, separators, reactors, etc.) and provide information in the form of equipment data sheets. 10) Prepare complete Basic Engineering Package for the project. 11) Help in preparing detail engineering package with the detail engineering contractor. No. of projects successfully delivered. 1) No. of projects successfully commercialized with the developed Basic and Detail Engineering Package
  • Skills and academic qualifications

    Educational Qualifications

    • Minimum Qualification -
      B. Tech Chemical
    • Preferred Qualification -
      B. Tech Chemical

    Functional Skills

    • Functional Skills Required -
      Ability to work independently and as a team member; excellent interpersonal skills, communication, sound judgment, tact, discretion, organizational problem analysis and problem solving skills; highly motivated and self-directed. Stretchable and Flexi
    • Technical Skills required -
      Demonstrated ability to integrate the developed technology with commercial plant. Ability to assimilate and understand scientific and technological issues. Thorough understanding of process engineering and various chemical processes.
    • Behavioural/Leadership Skills required -
      Creating and communicating strategic vision and direction in technical aspects, change agent, technical manpower management and development, strategic decision making, organizational understanding, industry and global perspective

    Relevant and total experience

    • Total Number of experience required -
    • Relevant experience required in -


    Fachliche Voraussetzung

    • 3D Modellierung, Basic Engineering, Berechnungen, Chemische Verfahren, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Datasheets, Datensammlung, Datenverarbeitung, Design-Engineering, Destillation, Detail-Engineering, Flexi (Photoshop Plugin), Functional Skills Qualification, Kompressoren, Kpi-Berichterstattung, Programmablaufplan, Pumpen, Simulationen, Technischer Support, Technisches Geschick, Technologietransfer, Verfahrenstechnik, Vorgehensmodell, Wärmetauscher

    Persönliche Fähigkeiten

    • Eigenmotivation, Entscheidungsfähigkeit, Führungskompetenz, Kommunikation, Problemanalyse, Soziale Kompetenz, Strategisches Denken



      Andere / Unbekannt


      Gfcl Ev Products Limited


      Gfcl Ev Products Limited
      04749 Jahnatal