ClipMyHorse.TV is the leading online service for live broadcast of global equestrian sport and breeding. On more than 300 days every year, horse enthusiasts can experience more than 2,500 events live. ClipMyHorse.TV broadcasts international as well as regional equestrian sport and breeding events from more than 200 countries all around the world.
Ihre Aufgaben
As Content Manager for Great Britain you will be responsible for the planning, creation and distribution of different content formats on all communication platforms. You will work closely in a small team and the respective Country Manager.
You are responsible for content planning, coordinating its implementation and creation of relevant content for Great Britain on all platforms.
You will oversee insights / analytics for all platforms to monitor the development of your channels.
You are the head point of contact for all content matters.
If you possess skills in newsletter management, marketing, and marketing strategy, that would be an added advantage. However, at the very least, you should have a strong desire and interest in delving deeper into these areas and helping us expand our operations here in the long term.,
Oversee and update website components, including sliders, event content, lanes, and event descriptions.
Execute online marketing strategies to enhance digital presence.
Utilize fundamental skills in the cockpit.
Collaborating closely with British Showjumping for monthly highlight show production.
Internal communication tasks, such as sharing announcements about British international events on Slack.
As part of your role, you will be responsible for various aspects of social media management.
This involves formulating and implementing a thorough social media strategy, curating audience-focused content, and crafting posts and stories for Facebook and Instagram. Additionally, you'll be responsible for community management across these platforms.
Newsletter management in consultation with the Country Manager.
Promoting and distributing international content globally.,
You will have a secure position within the ClipMyHorse.TV family and benefit from our start-up atmosphere with flexible working hours, vacation time, and state-of-the-art equipment.
Personal development is important to you? Benefit from training and further educational opportunities.
You will never get bored with us - you will have the opportunity to travel and manage different projects. Variety is guaranteed!
Thanks to our hands-on mentality, you can let your ideas and creativity run free!
Do you have a cool new idea to improve things? - Go for it!
Ihr Profil
Ideally, you have a background in event and/ or social media and content management. However, if you are a career changer with strong organizational skills, you are also encouraged to apply.
You are enthusiastic about everything related to equestrian sports and have a strong grasp of British horse sports, including British Showjumping, British Dressage, British Eventing, and more.
Fluent or native English skills are a must, and proficiency in German would be advantageous.
You'll have the exciting opportunity for regular travel to UK horse shows, and weekend work holds no challenge for you.
You are confident in working with technology such as laptops and phones. Your creativity shines through with an eye for crafting engaging captions, proficient image and video editing, and staying attuned to emerging trends and fresh content ideas
Organized and structured, you are proficient in utilizing Excel / Google Sheets. You also possess a foundational grasp of numbers, data, reporting, and social media analytics.
You have a strong customer service orientation, excellent communication skills, and are open-minded and a motivated team player.
Communication is one of your strengths. You always have an open ear for the needs of your colleagues, service providers, or customers.
Wir bieten Ihnen
ClipMyHorse.TV ist der führende Livestream-Anbieter für Pferdesport- und Zuchtveranstaltungen in Europa. Das ClipMyHorse.TV Programm besteht aus Livestreams und einer Mediathek welche weltweit zu erreichen sind. Sowohl große, internationale als auch regionale Reitsport- und Pferdezuchtevents aus mehr als 200 Ländern der ganzen Welt werden auf ClipMyHorse.TV ausgestrahlt. Mehr als 800 Events, darunter auch Championate wie Welt- und Europameisterschaften werden jedes Jahr übertragen. Unsere Reichweite wird kontinuierlich über den Ausbau neuer Kommunikations-Kanäle erweitert.
Straße, Hausnummer Wandersmannstraße 68
PLZ Ort, Land 65205, Wiesbaden, Deutschland
Bundesland / Kanton Hessen
Land Deutschland
Telefon 08001004042
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