Ihre Aufgaben
The expansion of renewable energies will be of outstanding importance in the coming years. To ensure that this transformation to climate neutrality succeeds and that the technological lead is maintained, research and development are faced with major challenges. For this purpose, BAM has combined research on wind turbines (WT) and their safety in the competence centre Wind@BAM.
The focus of the competence centre is on mechanically stressed components such as rotor blades, support structures and foundations. In combination with our unique testing and analysis methods and interdisciplinary approaches, we develop numerical simulation models and digital concepts for life cycle analyses.
Scientific activities in the Wind@BAM Competence Centre with a focus on simulation and digital technologies.
Specific tasks include:
Initiation, application, management and processing of research projects in the field of numerical simulations and life cycle analyses
Structural analysis with numerical simulations; wind turbine interaction; development of a holistic turbine model as a digital twin
Development of concepts for life cycle analysis (process chain from manufacturing to end of operation)
Conceptual design and implementation of data models in a building data management system
Integration of NDT and monitoring results and, if applicable, plant data into reliability assessment
Scientific publication and lecture activities
Continuation of the research agenda and strategic development of the competence center WindDigital
Advising authorities in the field of offshore wind energy
Ihr Profil
Successful scientific universitiy degree specialising in civil or mechanical engineering, physical engineering or comparable with a focus on simulation and a very good PhD
Fulfilment of the civil service and career requirements as well as willingness to be taken on as a civil servant in the initial office of the career path of the higher natural science service/technical administrative service/non-technical administrative service
Development and program-technical implementation of digital concepts for life cycle analysis: Numerical analysis and rule-based assessment of components, Numerical analysis of interaction problems on wind turbines or wind farms, Further development of calculation methods for component safety, Simulation of manufacturing and operating processes such as damage evolution from combined stresses
In-depth practical and theoretical knowledge of structural reliability
Experience with the application and further development of simulation software
Experience in acquisition and management of F&E-projects
Experience in supervision of young scientists
Confirmed practice in publication and presentation of scientific results
Very good command of German and English
Goal-oriented and structured way of working, initiative/commitment, ability to work in a team and willingness to cooperate, willingness to learn as well as conceptual, strategic and innovative thinking skills
Wir bieten Ihnen
The Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) is a materials research organization in Germany. Our mission is to ensure safety in technology and chemistry. We perform research and testing in materials science, materials engineering and chemistry to improve the safety of products and processes. At BAM we do research that matters. Our work covers a broad array of topics in the focus areas of energy, infrastructure, environment, materials, and analytical sciences.
To strengthen our team in the division 7.2 "Buildings and Structures" in Berlin-Steglitz, starting as soon as possible, we are looking for a Postdoctoral research associate (m/f/d) in the field of civil or mechanical engineering, physical engineering or comparable with focus on simulation
Salary group 14 TVöD / Grade A 13 BBesO
Permanent contract
Full-time / suitable as part-time employment
Only applicants who fulfil the requirements under career law for a civil servant position can be considered for the position. For the time being, the position can be filled within the framework of a salaried employee relationship with corresponding value. In the future, there is the possibility of promotion to A 14 BBesO. We are looking for talented people to join us.,
Interdisciplinary research at the interface of politics, economics and society
Work in national and international networks with universities, research institutes and industrial companies
Outstanding facilities and infrastructure
Flexible working hours and mobile working
We welcome applications via the online application form by 14.07.2023. Alternatively, you can also send your application by post, quoting the reference number 125/23-7.2 to:
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
Referat Z.3 - Personal
Unter den Eichen 87
12205 Berlin
Dr. Baeßler will be glad to answer any specific questions you may have. Please get in touch via the telephone number +49 30 8104-1724 and/or by email to Matthias.Baessler(at)bam.de.