Ihre Aufgaben
The College of Arts and Sciences at Bethel University seeks a qualified candidate for appointment as Assistant Professor of Music (Music Production) in the Department of Music. This full-time, permanent position will begin January 1, 2024., The successful candidate will teach curriculum in music production and participate in curriculum planning and assessment. Teaching additional coursework will be based on qualifications, experience, and departmental needs. Other responsibilities for this position include academic advising, serving on Department, College, and University committees, as appropriate, and working cooperatively with colleagues to realize the mission of the University.
Ihr Profil
Master's degree in music technology, music production, or related field is required. Candidates must have professional experience, a strong commitment to teaching, a thorough understanding of current trends in the music industry, potential to recruit talented students, and the ability to communicate effectively with students and peers. Experience working in a professional environment with multiple different digital audio workstations including Pro Tools is required.
The Department of Music strives to create opportunities for students as they develop in a Christian environment to their highest intellectual, spiritual, and social potential. The music faculty embraces this mission as it prepares students to become leaders in music education, music performance, music ministry, music production, and music business. Additional department information can be found at https://bethelumusic.com/
Applicants should submit by preferred email a letter of application, curriculum vitae, teaching philosophy, and three reference letters to:
Dr. Keith Herris, Search Committee Chair, at herrisk@bethelu.edu
Or mail to:
Director Human Resources Bethel University 325 Cherry Avenue McKenzie, TN 38201