Assistant Professor of Teaching Ucr. Ranked
Anzeige vom: 06.06.2024

Assistant Professor of Teaching

  • Jahnatal
Ucr. Ranked


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The Marlan and Rosemary Bourns College of Engineering is a well-established, rapidly growing college at UCR. Ranked in the top 20 best public global universities for engineering by U.S. News & World Report, BCOE has 150 faculty members, more than 3,700 undergraduate students, 1,000 graduate students, and more than $34 million in total annual research expenditures. The College has five departments, 11 undergraduate degree programs, 10 graduate degree programs, and 11 research centers., UCR is a world-class research university with an exceptional diverse undergraduate student body. Its Mission is explicitly linked to providing routes to educational success for underrepresented and first-generation college students. A commitment to this mission is preferred qualification., The University of California, Riverside is a world-class research university with an exceptionally diverse undergraduate student body. UCR is a member institution of the American Association of Universities (AAU) as well as the Alliance of Hispanic Serving Research Universities (HSRU). Its mission is explicitly linked to providing routes to educational success for underrepresented and first-generation college students. A commitment to this mission is a preferred qualification.

Ihre Aufgaben

The Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) at the University of California, Riverside invites applications for an Open Rank Professor of Teaching position beginning in the 2024/2025 academic year. Appointment as an Assistant Professor of Teaching requires evidence of exceptional undergraduate teaching, professional achievement, and service to the academic community. An Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of Teaching is expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses and to provide university and public services related to the undergraduate program, including curriculum development, student advising, ABET accreditation, and recruitment outreach. Applicants from all areas of Mechanical Engineering are encouraged to apply., Please submit a cover letter, the most recently updated curriculum vitae, three reference letters, a Statement of Teaching, an optional Statement of Research, and a Contribution to Diversity Statement to the AP Recruit website at

Document requirements
  • Curriculum Vitae - Your most recently updated C.V.

  • Cover Letter

  • Statement of Research (Optional)

  • Statement of Teaching

  • Statement of Past and/or Planned Future Contributions to Advancing Diversity and Inclusive Excellence - In a "Statement of Past and/or Planned Future Contributions to Advancing Diversity and Inclusive Excellence", we ask applicants to describe their past and/or potential future contributions to promoting a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment, which is a key requirement of the role of every faculty member and administrator at UCR. There are numerous ways to contribute, and a commitment to this part of our mission can be reflected through research, teaching, supervision, mentoring, community engagement, service, and any of the other varied activities that are a part of an academic career.

  • Misc / Additional (Optional)

    Reference requirements
  • 3-5 letters of reference required

    Please submit three letters of reference, Please submit a cover letter, most recently updated curriculum vitae, contact information for three references, a Statement of Teaching, an optional Statement of Research, and a Contribution to Diversity Statement to the AP Recruit website at Document requirements
  • Curriculum Vitae - Your most recently updated C.V.

  • Cover Letter

  • Statement of Research (Optional)

  • Statement of Teaching

  • Statement of Past and/or Planned Future Contributions to Advancing Diversity and Inclusive Excellence - In a "Statement of Past and/or Planned Future Contributions to Advancing Diversity and Inclusive Excellence", we ask applicants to describe their past and/or potential future contributions to promoting a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment, which is a key requirement of the role of every faculty member and administrator at UCR. There are numerous ways to contribute, and a commitment to this part of our mission can be reflected through research, teaching, supervision, mentoring, community engagement, service, and any of the other varied activities that are a part of an academic career.

  • Misc / Additional (Optional)

Ihr Profil

  • A minimum of 3 years of experience and demonstrated record of high-quality and innovative teaching in a wide variety of undergraduate Mechanical Engineering courses in an ABET-accredited program.

  • A demonstrated record of teaching in capstone senior design courses and successful engagement with sponsors to generate support for senior design projects.

  • Experience in advising undergraduate students in course selection and career development.

  • Demonstrated commitment to promoting diversity and inclusiveness in teaching, research, and service, in particular to broadening participation for women and other underrepresented groups in Mechanical Engineering., Applicants must have a Ph.D. in ME or a closely related field. Must have met the requirements for the Ph.D. by the time of appointment.,

  • A minimum of 3-5 years of experience and demonstrated record of high- quality and innovative teaching in a wide variety of undergraduate Mechanical Engineering courses in an ABET-accredited program.

  • A demonstrated record of teaching in capstone senior design courses and successful engagement with sponsors to generate support for senior design projects.

  • Experience in advising undergraduate students in course selection and career development.

  • Demonstrated commitment to promoting diversity and inclusiveness in teaching, research, and service, in particular to broadening participation for women and other underrepresented groups.

Wir bieten Ihnen

Appointments are expected to begin July 1, 2024. A Ph.D. in either Mechanical Engineering or a related area is required at the time of employment. Salary will be commensurate with education and experience. Advancement through the faculty ranks at the University of California is through a series of structured, merit-based evaluations, occurring every 2-3 years, each of which includes substantial peer input.


To apply for the position interested individuals are required to submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, three letters of reference or contact information for three references, a Statement of Teaching, an optional Statement of Research, and a Contribution to Diversity Statement to the AP Recruit website at Inquiries should be directed to

Full consideration will be given to applications received by January 1, 2024. The search will continue until the position is filled. For more information regarding the specific areas of interest and application procedures, please visit The posted UC salary scales set the minimum pay determined by rank and/or step at appointment. See Table(s) 3. The salary range for this position is $99,100 - $215,800. "Off-scale salaries" and other components of pay, i.e., a salary that is higher than the published system-wide salary at the designated rank and step, are offered when necessary to meet competitive conditions. See campus compensation page for additional information. Department:, Apply link:, Apply link: Help contact:


Fachliche Voraussetzung

  • Beratung, Coaching und Mentoring, Community Management, Curriculum Entwicklung, Innovation, Maschinenbau, Recruiting, Unterrichten, Öffentlicher Dienst


  • Dissertation


  • Berufseinsteiger



    Andere / Unbekannt


    Ucr. Ranked


    Ucr. Ranked
    04749 Jahnatal