Graduate Research Associate PhD *Honey…
We are currently seeking an enthusiastic Ph.D. student with experience in honey bee virus research. We invite applications with relevant research experience who are passionate about conducting research and innovation activities on the project titled: "From genes to queens: a systemic approach to improve bee resistance." The successful candidate will investigate the interplay between genetic and environmental factors in honey bee viral infection dynamics and characterize the variation in honey bee responses to viral infections, aiming to identify genetic markers for virus resistance. Additionally, the successful candidate will collaborate with professional honey bee queen producers in Mississippi to help select and reduce viral infections in commercial queen-producing operations. This work will be done in collaboration with Drs. Michael Simone-Finstrom, Arian Avalos, and Michael Goblirsch at the USDA-ARS in Baton Rouge, LA, and Poplarville, MS. Therefore, the successful candidate will have
access to gain skills and expand their network with them.
Location: The Center for Pollinator Health, Delta Research and Extension Center, Mississippi State University.
Duration of the position and start date: This position is available for three years and includes a student stipend, graduate tuition, and health benefits. The successful candidate can choose to start either in August 2024 or January 2025.
Preferred Eligibility Requirements:
- M.S. in biology, entomology, virology or other related discipline
- Strong virology background
- Prior experience of molecular biology techniques, such as RNA extraction and qRT-PCR
- Prior knowledge of bioinformatic analysis
- Prior work experience with honey bees
- Experience in designing experiments and collect scientific data
- Strong statistical skills
- Experience publishing peer-reviewed articles
- Presenting research results in scientific and beekeeper meetings
- Willingness to communicate and collaborate with professional queen producers in Mississippi and neighboring states
- Evidence of effective interpersonal and organizational skills, as well as working within an interdisciplinary team environment
- Valid driver license
Applications: Review of applications will begin on July 1st, 2024, and will continue until a suitable candidate is identified. To be considered for this position one must submit (1) a short statement of interest, (2) curriculum vitae (CV), and (3) contact information for three individuals willing to write letters of recommendation. Please submit completed applications to Esmaeil Amiri at with "Graduate PhD Application" in the subject heading. Email submission of complete application is required for consideration. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Contact for additional information:
Dr. Esmaeil Amiri
Mississippi State University
Delta Research and Extension Center
P.O. Box 197
Stoneville, MS 38776
Category: JobsBy EsmaeilAmiri7. June 2024
Tags: Honey beeMississippi State UniversityPhD studentUSAViruses
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Author: EsmaeilAmiri
I am a molecular geneticist with the expertise on honey bee health. I have been fortunate during my career so far to gather a diverse set of tools under my belt ranging from basic beekeeping queen rearing and Artificial insemination skills to Bioinformatics and genomic selection to molecular genetics and honey bee pathology.
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