Recording spectral images and profiles Description: Combined/hybrid/hyphenated Raman system Confocal Raman microscopy Raman Spectrometer Presentation How the technique is used Raman Image Gallery Related Products Spectrometers and Monochromators Monochromator System Optics Bandpass and Resolution Order, Resolution, and Dispersion Choosing a Monochromator/ Spectrograph Spectrometer Throughput and Etendue Optical Signal to Noise Ratio and Stray Light Entrance Optics Spectrometer, Spectrograph and Monochromator Products Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Advantages Instrumentation Measurement Techniques Data Analysis Cauchy dispersion module Products Vacuum Ultra Violet Spectroscopy Vacuum Ultra Violet Spectroscopy VUV technology High Vacuum (HV), Ultra High Vacuum (UHV), gas purge Light sources in VUV VUV system: Detector Aberration References - Articles X-ray Fluorescence Surface Plasmon Resonance Surface Plasmon Resonance imaging Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging (SPRi) Brief History of the Technique SPR Measurements, Application Field and Comparison with Other Techniques The Basics of Label-free Biomolecular Interactions Instrument Presentation How SPRi is Used Key Accessories. Sensorchips. Surface Chemistry
How are the Molecules Immobilized on the biochip?
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Readout No. E58 - Analysis and Measurement Technologies that Contribute to the Development of Next Generation Semiconductor Devices Readout No. E57 - HORIBAs Initiatives in the Next-Generation Energy and Environment Fields Readout No. E56 - Analytical Solutions in Megatrends Readout No. E55 - 2021 Masao Horiba Awards - Spectroscopic analysis and measurement technology in the life science field Readout No. E54 - Microplastics and Nanoplastics: Analysis and Method Development Masao Horiba Awards Research Articles
Readout No. E53 - 2019 Masao Horiba Awards - Advanced Analytical and Measurement Technologies for Efficient Control System to Maximize the Performance of Electric Power and Batteries Usage Readout No. E52 - Green Innovation for Marine Shipping Industry
Readout No. E51 - 2018 Masao Horiba Awards Advanced analytical and measurement technologies in semiconductor manufacturing processes Readout No. E50 - Low-Carbon Society and Environmental Improvement Readout No. E49 - Photonic Instrumentation in Life Science Readout No. E48 - Water Measurement Experts Readout No. E47 - Application for Semiconductor Manufacturing Process Readout No. E46 - New Development for Automotive Test Systems Readout No. E45 - Application Technology in Analysis Readout No. E44 - Contribution of Diagnostics to Total Medical Care/Healthcare Readout No. E43 - Watching the Environmental and Society with Measurements Readout No. E42 - More Efficient Testing on Automotive Development, Improving the Accuracy of Fuel Consumption Measurement Readout No. E41 - Application Readout No. E40 - Application Readout No. E18 - EUROPE Readout No. E17 - AMERICA Readout No. E16 - Chinese (Asia) Readout No. E15 - Technologies for HORIBA STEC Readout No. E14 - Masao HORIBA Awards"Measurement of Bioparticles" and "Measurement of Internal Combustion" Readout No. E13 - Technologies for Automotive Testing Readout No. E12 - Masao Horiba Awards "X-ray Analysis Technology" Readout No. E11 - The Second Masao Horiba Awards
Readout No. E10 - Environmental Analysis Technologies for the Management of Global Environment and the Development of Industry Readout No. E09 - The First Dr.Masao Horiba's Award and the 50th Anniversary Products Readout No. E08 - Products and Technologies of HORIBA ABX Readout No. E07 - Products and Technologies of Jobin Yvon HORIBA Group Readout No. E06 - 50th Anniversary of HORIBA, Ltd. Products and Technology of HORIBA Group Readout No. E05 - Semiconductor Instruments Readout No. E04 - Hematology Instruments Readout No. E03 - Paticulate Matter Readout No. E02 - The Technology Alliance for X-ray Analysis Readout No. E01 - the Analysis of the Global Environment Group Companies HORIBA Talk Veranstaltungen Karriere Investor Relations Home Investor Relations News IR Library Financial Statements Presentation Materials HORIBA Report Message from the CEO Mid-Long Term Management Plan Stock Information Shareholders Meeting Other IR Information Investor Relations Calendar Disclaimer Investor Relations Contact Neuigkeiten Soziale Verantwortung Sustainability Message Sustainable Management Policy and Promotion System Integrated Management System Health and Productivity UN Global Compact Environment Environment Climate Action Reduction of Environmental Impact Actions for RoHS Directive, REACH Regulation and GHS Regulations Eco-Friendly Products Social Quality Occupational safety and health Material Procurement Social Activities Governance Governance Corporate Governance Internal Controls Compliance Promotion Systems Code of Ethics Risk Management HORIBA and the SDGs HORIBA Report Karriere
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