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Deine Aufgaben: You partner closely with stakeholders to deeply understand current business challenges and identify the most impactful opportunities for value creation.
You build end to end DS/ML solutions that directly address customer needs.
You take the lead in driving innovation and steering the direction of DS/ML projects by simultaneously ensuring that initiatives are aligned with business goals and deliver measurable outcomes.
You integrate and benchmark different recommendation solutions (including 3rd party options) to enhance our customer experience.
You stay up to date with industry trends and state of the art practices in data science and machine learning. Hence, you bring new ideas and techniques to the team, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
Dein Profil: You already bring significant industry experience (5-8 years) in building and deploying large-scale recommendation systems, ideally within an eCommerce context.
You have a strong understanding of common ML & stats techniques, with proven application in real-world scenarios.
You have a good knowledge of the Python data science ecosystem (Pandas, Numpy, Scikit Learn, XGBoost/LightGBM), SQL, relational databases, and modern development tools and workflows.
You have hands-on experience in launching production-level machine learning models, with a solid understanding of cloud-based infrastructure (preferably AWS) You are skilled in designing, executing, and analyzing A/B tests to make data-driven decisions
You are able to work autonomously, prioritize tasks, and communicate effectively with stakeholders to align on goals and expectations.
Was Dich erwartet
Flexibility: We support you in your schedule. With our hybrid work approach, you remain flexible.
Work-life balance: With 30 days of vacation, the possibility to work remotely from abroad, and sabbaticals, we take care of your relaxation.
Mobility: Whether by public transport or by bike, we subsidize your job ticket or job bike.
Health & Wellbeing: Stay healthy with us! With and Urban Sports you can actively boost your body and mind. Our company events keep the team spirit up. Fruit, drinks and granola "sweeten" your day in the office.
Development: With regular feedback and training opportunities, we offer the tools for your personal development plan.
Culture: We live transparency, respect, courage, and passion. Our principles are anchored in the teams and create a unique, cooperative working environment.
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