English Speaking Jobs

You are a foreigner living in Germany or you are planning to move to Germany? You can find suitable job offers for full-time, part-time and minijobs here at meinestadt.de.

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English Speaking Jobs

Jobs qualify as English Speaking Jobs, where English is a mandatory language requirement. But that does not necessarily mean, you have to be a native speaker. Depending on the job a high-level understanding of the English language is required.
You are a foreigner living in Germany? As a native speaker or a fluent English speaking person there are many opportunities to find a job fitting your skills. For example you can work in an international team or an international enterprise in Germany. You can find many free vacancies for English Speaking Jobs at meinestadt.de.
We offer many English Speaking Jobs at meinestadt.de, e.g. in popular industries like marketing, management, software engineering and similar. Of course, there are also other sectors that offer English Speaking Jobs.
In case you are not a native speaker, a high-level understanding of the English language would be essential as well as the will to improve your language skills over time. Besides that, good communication skills and flexibility are a plus.
Yes! You can find part-time jobs as well as so called "minijobs", in industries like information technology, financials, energy and others.
When you are searching for those jobs, you probably find the best results in metropoles and big cities like Berlin, Munich, better known as "München", Hamburg and Cologne (Köln).
Some federal states (Bundesländer) and german cities differ in name and / or writing from their English name. So we listed the German names for some popular cities and Bundesländer to make it easier for you:
  • Bayern - Bavaria
  • Düsseldorf - Dusseldorf
  • Köln - Cologne
  • Mannheim - Manheim
  • München - Munich
  • Niedersachsen - Lower Saxony
  • Nordrhein Westfalen - North Rhine Westphalia
  • Sachsen - Saxony
  • Sachsen Anhalt - Saxony Anhalt